The University of Alabama and the College of Engineering offer several programs to help you achieve your goals.

From your freshmen year through your first job after graduation, we hope you will take advantage of these programs to be successful. To speak to someone about the programs offered in through the College of Engineering, contact Rusty Pettus in Engineering Student Services.

Freshmen Engineering Program

A first-year experience for all engineering and computer science students that is designed to both motivate and engage our students. Through the FEP, we introduce students to the exciting careers in engineering and teach them the valuable aspects of working in teams.

Mentor UPP

Undergraduate Peer Partnering is a mentoring and networking program designed to cultivate relationships between upperclassmen and underclassmen to increase involvement, retention and confidence in the newest members of the College of Engineering.

Research Experience for Undergraduates

The Research Experience for Undergraduates program involve students in ongoing research programs or in research projects specifically designed for the REU program. The REU Program provides indirect funding for undergraduate students to participate in research.

International Programs

The College offers several international opportunities that push boundaries by exploring cultural and academic opportunities.

Student Introduction To Engineering (SITE)

A summer program for rising high school juniors and seniors who are interested in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, hosted by The University of Alabama College of Engineering.

Cooperative Education Program

A dynamic academic program that offers students opportunities for professional experience before graduation. Co-op students participate in alternating periods of full-time employment and full-time study.

Career Center

The Career Center hosts several career fairs and utilizes Handshake, a job and internship platform, to connect students, alumni, and employers.

Tutoring/ENGenuity Lab

ENGenuity Lab offers tutoring, mentoring, and career preparation.