Many software packages for use in courses offered by the College of Engineering is free, licensed by the College for students.

A laptop, coupled with the wireless network available in all engineering buildings, allows students to access web-based course materials anywhere. The technology is used to improve teaching and learning and provide anytime/anywhere communications between faculty and students.

If you have issues using or downloading the software, please email the College of Engineering’s Technology Services department at

Common Software used in Classes

A complete list of software can be found on the College of Engineering Tech Support Wiki.

Microsoft and VMware

Various Microsoft and VMware products are also provided to students via their respective webstores.

In addition to the above software, the University’s Office of Information Technology offers a catalog of software available to students, faculty, and staff.

The University also provides UA Box, a secure, managed, cloud-based toolset and storage to facilitate collaboration and anywhere-access to active files and data. Visit the UA OIT website to register for a UA Box account.