
Degrees List

Need a refresher on the next steps for your major or minor? From flowcharts to core requirements, we have you covered.

Degree Works

Degree Works is available for undergraduate students beginning with the 2006 Undergraduate Catalog.

UA Course Catalog

The University of Alabama’s Academic Catalog is produced by the Office of the University Registrar in conjunction with the Office for Academic Affairs.

Enrollment and Graduation Statistics

The University of Alabama Office of Institutional Research and Assessment maintains annual enrollment and graduate data for the programs in the College of Engineering. Please visit the OIRA Statistical Profiles website to find statistics for student enrollment, degrees awarded and faculty data.

Scholarships & Financial Aid


Four-year merit-based scholarship packages are awarded to incoming engineering freshmen.

Scholarship Policies

View the policies for getting a scholarship from the College of Engineering.

Financial Aid

Student Financial Aid provides comprehensive information and services regarding opportunities to finance the cost of education at The University of Alabama.

Engineering Graduate Funding Opportunities

Assistantships (teaching and research) are offered by departments and individual faculty to highly-qualified applicants.

A view of the Science and Engineering Quad.

UA Graduate Funding and Support

UA offers graduate financial support in the form of assistantships, fellowships and scholarships are available to qualified students. In most cases, assistantships and fellowships include a full-tuition scholarship, health insurance and a generous stipend.


Below are pages that list resources specific to each department’s student interests and needs.


Student links that all academics share.


ABET has examined and accredited ten professional engineering undergraduate curricula.

The following undergraduate engineering programs in UA’s College of Engineering are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET:

The undergraduate computer science degree program in UA’s College of Engineering is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET.

Departmental Missions, Program Objectives, Student Outcomes and Statistics